Join us!

Are you passionate about understanding the neural processes of human auditory-motor expertise and learning? We sometimes have positions available for PhD studies, and are often looking for Master’s and Bachelor-level interns, domestic and international (in a funding-dependent fashion!).

We tackle difficult problems with fancy equipment, good collaborations, and a lot of creativity. Our goal is to give you room to follow your interests (within the scope of our research topics and funding) and to grow as a scientist through involvement with all stages of research, according to your interests, skills, and career stage. A student who is a good fit in our lab is creative, self-motivated, frustration-resistant, willing to seek information and guidance when stuck, and human. We offer a friendly, supportive environment for developing your research and technical skills, and believe it is possible to do excellent scientific work while cultivating a healthy work-life balance.

Students are expected to meet their degree requirements, engage in research activities, help manage the lab, and of course conduct themselves ethically.

If this sounds like a good match to you, send us an email at with the following:

  • A full curriculum vitae
  • Your transcripts
  • A short paper written in English answering the following questions:
    • Why do you want to do research?
    • What are your research interests?
    • What was your best learning experience?
    • (If you are applying for a specific position or project) How do you think you can contribute?
    • The names and contact information for two references
    • (Optional) Links to any of your projects/activities

We’re looking for an MA/PhD for September 2021 (see Concordia University website for program deadlines in late fall), please contact us.

We’re also actively looking for either a graduate student or postdoctoral research fellow in human memory and sleep, please see our ad: CLASP_openposition